KyleFiction Comic Review: Nancy In Hell #2
So I though “hey, why not continue reading Nancy In Hell”, I have a habit of if I start something, I finish it regardless. So here is my review of Nancy in hell issue 2.
This issue creates background around the character of Lucifer,
to answer such questions as why he doesn’t have horns and look like everything
else that’s in this book (that isn’t human). I honestly don’t think readers
would have had many questions, but they were answered.
Lucifer is still seen as the creator of hell, but it was
more vicarious than on purpose. It puts a theological twist on the big bang
theory, such as describing that at first there was only darkness and it was “Happy”
so its seen as entity again, (much like hell is). However “God” a unknown entity
came and declared “let there be light”.
As you can see this god follows the stereotype, gigantic
omnipotent figure with white hair and a beard… Whilst god created matter and
what not, he created his first first-borns, i.e. the Angels. However at the
same time, the original darkness was forced into a corner to run away from this
new found light, so the darkness is sad (L).
Earth and everything was ok for a while until God decided to create Humans with
free will, which angered God because Lucifer felt every creation should be equal.
Big mistake to question Gods will (apparently).
God casts out Lucifer, there is some sort of mention of war,
but it seemed an excuse to show boobage of the female angels. Lucifer is then
filled with such guilt the darkness feeds of this and creates hell so it can
feed on my souls, essentially becoming a living organism that is never fully satisfied.
So after Lucifer has his weird emo fit, Nancy and Lucifer continue
their journey to escape hell.
Unfortunately the darkness doesn’t like this so much like a human body
it adapts itself and creates “anti-bodies” to kill nancy and retrieve Lucifer,
because he is needed to keep hell running. These “anti-bodies” take shape in
demons, such as Mr. Macabre who is actually called Pytho who in his true from
looks like the “Cthulu”
This Thing:
However Mr. Macabre has no intention of retrieving Lucifer
and Nancy, so a another character “Cheitan” takes the helm in a confrontation
with Lucifer and Nancy. But before this you learn more about Nancy, never would
have guessed she was a cheerleader….
As the Image shows, she knows she is not a nice person, but
she had friends and what not. So you can begin to feel bad for her, as you know
her friends are dead, but you see her friends this time, one of which was her
boyfriend, which was sort of easy to guess. You also see the person who
murdererd Nancy, who actually appears to have more to do with the plot than
just simply sending her to hell, meaning he has reasons which are unknown as of
The friends make a reappearance, which explains the
captain-obvious much? To trap Nancy, this is where “Cheitan” makes
his appearance, and so ends Issue 2.
This issue does have some Solid-ish story, with some pretty
aesthetically pleasing art. But nevertheless there is still all the unneeded sex
appeal, I understand that Nancy is a strong wilful character, but she doesn’t have
to have NO CLOTHES to portray this, im pretty sure she lost her boob-tube this
time, so she runs around in a Bra and Short shorts with a chainsaw strapped to
Assorted Geekery Time!
Avengers Assemble together 1 Billion dollars for damages to new York.
Thought I just write about the Avengers today as the latest
version of Avengers vs. Xmen has been released (which I will review at some
point when I go and buy it) and The “Avengers Assemble” movie reached its $1
Billion aims after just 19 days, who knows what the actual grossing will be but
this is very impressive.
For those who have not seen the movie, go see it! You don’t really
need any background knowledge, except for maybe watching the previous movies such
as Iron Man and Thor. This link,
shows Stan “The Man” Lee revelling in its success. I found it quite odd that he
hasn’t really made that much money of them considering he created them, but at
least he gets cameos which he thoroughly enjoys.
I do think that the recent success of Avengers will spawn
more Marvel films, but lets hope they adhere to a good standard please! No more
Ghost Riders…
Baby Avengers
Recently uploads of Avengers in either Chibi or Baby forms
are appearing if you look in the right places, the avengers were already pretty
awesome but combining that with chibi makes them so darn cute!
Example Here:
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But many more can be found just by simply typing in “Baby
Read up on Epic Storylines with the avengers
As you may know the avengers have been around since the 70’s
so there is a lot of content to get through, this may sounds like an impossible
task but
have put together an extensive list which should make things easier to get the core
storylines and keep up with the continuity of the Avengers Universe, although
not too sure how Avengers Vs. Xmen will effect this.
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Some part of me would like
to see some deaths to shake things up, but another part realises that
everything will most likely go back to normal after this cross over event.
Hopefully not because of some time-travel thingy, because that is lame.
Until Next Time, Fluff My Llama
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